v1.3.3 12.05.2014
- Fixed $.data issue. ( This resolved jQuery1.7.1 issues )
- Added minified version by Google Closure compiler.
v1.3.2 13.01.2014
- Changed semantic versioning v1.32 > v1.3.2
- Clean-up the code
- Move out transitons styls to owl.transitions.css file
v1.31 21.11.2013
- Fixed startDrag event
- Included awesome
function. See demo. Big thanks to Nik Chankov for code, demo and description.
- Fixed sync demo
v1.3 18.11.2013
- Fixed startDragging callback - now it pass correct "this" value
- Updated owl status method with dragDirection information
- Fixed updating prevItem on owl status object
- Included support for lazy load background images
- Added afterLazyLoad callback(thx JaySala)
- Removed "opacity=0" style while using destroy method.
- Fixed afterMove callback. Now its fire only when you successfull slide.
- Disable drag gestures if there is no items outside viewport.
works with darg gestures now.
- Removed slide animation on changing browser width.
- Added Owl Status and Sync demos.
v1.29 11.11.2013
- Disabled right click event
- Prevented ghostclicking on Android Chrome browser
- Added visibleItems loop for future functions.
v1.28 30.10.2013
- Included
- Included scaleUp demo
- Allowing to set options via data attributes ( THX zerghiomario)